April 4, 2023 Easter season ...watching many people purchase plastic easter eggs. I wrote a poem a long time ago Titled: The Ham Man

 it disappeared in the web atmoosphere...nowhere to be found.

I just recently worked at Home Depot and only worked for a month and  to my dismay it was discrimination of my person. 

I was just starting to enjoy my job and enjoy working. The hours were only 4 hours per night. I was happy to work. Yet they had to make me the problem. brittany the manager told me that I wasnt the right fit.  and other added things she needed to use to not let me get past the probation...I never make it past probation. I do think they hire me just to use me as a displacemnet not really caring me as a person who wants to work and thrive...they are greedy and make excuses and make lies up along with slander about my character..they only want to persecute and punsih,,they only want to play with you ..they dont care...they use and abuse.

And i want vindication for this conatsnt abuse.
