Churches: Loud noise and Loud booming music makes for a terrible meat stew. Where is the beef?


*What i remember in my car and what i remember outside my car....

The Catholic church:

The magical part is that they venerate the church too much and there is the problem. Mother church is venerated to such a point it becomes more important *idolatrous than honoring Jesus for Redemption Accomplished and Applied.....had to put in a book plug.

Churches are impotent::

Sitting wearily trying to get some flavor from what the Pastor was preaching only came out bland like psychobabble talking at trying to get a home run only to strike out continually. *Disappointed in this fake zone of neutrality...when there is none. Preach or step down! 

 At one church the Pastor has gay propensities toward a male sitting upfront attentively in the congregation hanging onto every word as if he were looking for his cue or his way to justify his lusts for same sex attraction

Another church the Worship band is so shockingly embarrassing!. 

 Women and men 70s old, rocking out  and acting like teenagers playing on drums, electric and bass guitars is just weirding me out...

*I can see this behaviour at a church fellowship ..but not for the main worship service..its Big Cringe.

*aside note:   THEY NARRATIVE : THE PLAY looking for a room to rent and the play was weird

please stop harassing me and playing games    

he apologized for what reason what a jerk....if i were his wife i would have divorced him for being such a putz

  • man name was Charlie
  • told me he to set a time to call him
  • i texted back 9am or 1 am  i meant to put PM
  • talked over the phone and he talked really really slow
  •  the sloth scene in the kids animation #zootopia
  • sloths talk really slow....thsi man Charlie talked really slow and it was very laughable
  • agreed to talk today at 9am
  • he then goes ahead and tells me that the house rents all men and it was just him and his wife
  • why didnt he tell me in the first place?
  • this is the hit job i am telling you about.
  • he wasted my time...what is it with people these days?
  • they are not genuine and deceptive
  • these are spiteful men I am telling you.
  • what is the problem?

  • t


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