We cannot rejoice in our silly lives until we understand that it is our portion assigned to us by an infinite wisdom. We cannot really understand that it is our portion until we have faith in a God who *apportions"

😁🍅↪ Today is overcast. The date is Wed July 14, 2021. My other blogs have all but disappeared! I have tried to access them, i believe Google deleted them.

So i am starting anew with this blog post today to write about all the many problems and the victories.

1. Covid happened in March 2020, where was I. I was working at MIcheals part time and homeless. I was staying at friends and strnagers homes and ended up staying at the holiday inn express for way over 7 months. With the help of merrimack welfare and my stimulus check of 1200!

It was thtough the help of local welfare, Pat Murphy who helped me get into an apartment in Nashua NH.

The ugly truth, this apartment has been broken into, and my windows are not secured.

I have been criminally threatened, video taped, and harrassed and all for no reason except i am living amongst a hate group? People who dont like conservative christians and there is a real war going on between liberals and conservatives.

Well, through a housing voucher titled Harbor Homes they paid for the rent and I pay approx. 230 a month with utlities included.

I am hated by gays...they have a vendetta...and I keep praying that  the Lord would catch them in their wickedness. For I have not hurt anyone, or ever will..I am on the defensive most of the time and most everyday i feel the vitriol and the hate. 

My prayer is the Lord will take up my cause and answer my prayers.
